Saturday, March 24, 2012

Baby On Board

A beautiful Mama-To-Be.  A handsome Dad-To-Be.  Warm weather.  Sunlight.

I couldn't have asked for more on my very first Maternity Session!  One of my Brides from 2011 had passed along my name when I had mentioned I was looking to do maternity sessions - along came this AMAZING couple!  So perfect.  We had unusually warm weather (it was March 11th after all!) and we hit up my favorite spot, Beach State Park up in Zion, IL.  It was leap-ahead Daylight Savings Day, so I think we were both a bit late for the 11am start time, but it turned into a 45 min. session of AWESOME photos, a good walk, and even some beach time!  Check out some of my favorites:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

First of the Year (Equinox)

yes, that's a Skrillex reference.  (It's a really great song too!  Promise!)
and this is the FIRST WEDDING of 2012!!!!  I'm so excited!  After a small break (and by "break", I mean shutting my brain off for maybe 2 weeks...) I'm back into Weddings already.  I can't believe it.  What a whirlwind year 2011 was and now 2012 is already kicking into gear.  I'm so looking forward to everything in store this year and this particular Wedding was such a GREAT way to kick it all off!!

A balloon release (which I highly encourage!), beautiful icing work on the cake, and a relaxed dinner with the closest Family & Friends.  Seriously amazing.  I'll let the images speak for the Wedding:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Third Time's a CHARM!

You've seen this couple before.  and you'll see their Wedding soon...but this is their third (and final) installment of the Engagement Session!
We waited and waited and FINALLY got SNOW!!!!!!  it was so much fun!  Downtown, Shedd Aquarium, Sears (Willis) Tower; I mean we were everywhere.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Cousin got MARRIED!!!

YAY!  I'm so so so soooo happy for her!  Her fiancee was back on Holiday Break from Army Basic Training and they tied the knot!  After months of stressful planning (seriously, she and her mother put together a whole wedding in like 8 weeks or something!) he returned home and everything went smoothly.  It was AWESOME!
and...the best part (at least to me...) was that I SURPRISED HER!!!!  She is also a photographer ( )
Her mother and I conspired for WEEKS and eventually I bought my plane ticket and flew to Boston.  Erica was completely in the dark, until her mom drove to the WRONG train station to pick me up...I called and Erica heard my voice...surprise ruined.  But I still count it as a success because it was the day-of by the time she found out.   :-)
ENJOY the images: